
Thanks for stopping by to meet me!

I am a Power, Poise, and Presence Coach, a proponent for Lightheartedness for its ability to unlock stress and create a prosperous environment.

Here’s a bit more about me: with my Electrical Engineering background and working in telecom, I shifted gears and pursued my PhD at the Mayo Clinic. After graduating I was plucked up by a Healthcare company and have worked in the Healthcare space ever since. My job took me to all corners of the globe and my aging parents quickly ushered in our relocation. Young kids, travel, busy career, aging parents, multiple stakeholders and managing it all with grace, style, ease and lighthearted frivolity ain’t easy. I know. I’ve tried it.

Coaching was a part of my leadership role and I loved the results and the process so much I chose to advance my education / certification with the International Coaching Federation. That is the story of how I became a coach. If you are not familiar with coaching, coaching is in essence a learning technology.

I have a number of client stories I could tell but I won’t because those conversations are all confidential and private, so there. With coaching I partner with my clients to be their thought, or brainstorming partner and at times even their champion or laughing buddy. The healthcare space can be a tough and competitive road. I get it because I’ve lived it and if we are a good coaching fit, I will hold onto the experience you want to realize with fierce, firm and unshakeable faith in your ability to reach it.